Monday, February 15, 2016

Soresto “Long Term” Flea and Tick Collar

Last year was probably the worst summer we have ever seen for fleas. We have three dogs and they have all always tolerated the various topical flea and tick treatments very well with no side effects.I just wanted to state that up front so there isn’t any confusion with thinking maybe we weren’t using anything. It simply was an awful season. Nothing worked, we tried different brandsand we still had fleas in our house, on the dogs, on our rugs, and on our furniture.
It was a nightmare. The only thing we found that worked was dusting every thing with Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth, we dusted the dogs, the furniture, the rugs,everything. And it killed them almost immediately, and kept them at bay for a week or two.But it was a never ending battle. The dogs had to be dusted if they got wet, DE is nolonger effective once wet, and if they didn’t get wet we still needed to do it every week.And let’s face it, it is a very fine grain dirt basically, so we were constantly cleaning, which decreases the effectiveness.
So when Bayer announced that they were finally going to release the Seresto collars in the US we immediately bought three. We already new about it from friends who live in Europe, it’s been used there for a while. And let me make one thing perfectly clear they are not cheap, not at all. But, they last 8 months, so it works out in the long run to be cheaper than topical treatments. And they don’t make your dog’s coat greasy and have no odor.
Its unique polymer matrix, i.e. plastic, very slowly releases Imidacloprid and Flumethrin to kill and repel fleas, ticks, chewing lice, controls Sarcoptic mange, and is water proof. As the collar rubs against the dog’s fur and skin it releases very low concentrations of the chemicals, which then distribute across the skin through normal movement.
One concern we had was that one of our dogs is part coonhound and so she has a very “loose skinned” neck with lots of fur. We were concerned because the instructions talk about skin contact and we thought that in order for it to work we may need to make it too tight. This turned out to not be true, it rests around her neck fairly loosely, and like I said she has a lot of fur, but it still works great. We are close to the middle of July and I have only found 1 flea on any of the dogs and no ticks. And that flea was DEAD!

I simply cannot recommend this product any more highly, it is just wonderful, for 8 months. If your dogs tolerates regular topical flea and tick treatments I highly recommend it. Update on my Dog Sandy It was a Kidney infection and it has cleared up with antibiotics he is feeling much better eating drinking playing ball and chasing lights
around the house. We go back today to the vets for a check on things and find out about his thyroid tests I wanted to thank everyone for the comments and support when I posted the rant the other day about the vets not listening to what I had
to say and how I knew my own dog thanks again. have a great afternoon.
By Lisa

Previously posted on Lisa's Art Ink and Me blog

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